Recipes Lists

Monday, February 11, 2013

Chifelini - Dumplings with Jam

This is a traditional Italian recipe from Trentino Alto Adige in particular of Trieste. Chifelini are a sort of dumplings filled with jam (strawberry or plum jam) prepared in Trentino Alto Adige for Carnival. The dough is characterized by the presence of potatoes and they can be fried of baked in the oven as I did here.

200 g of Potatoes
400 g of Flour
180 g of Butter
100 g of Sugar
25 g of brewer’s yeast
2 Eggs
1 Lemon
Strawberry jam or Plum jam
Icing sugar


COOKING TIME: 15 minutes

WINE: Moscato Rosa del Trentino

Boil the potatoes, peel and mash them. Dissolve the brewer’s yeast in a little bit of milk (just the amount to dissolve the brewer’s yeast). Place on a table the flour, the mashed potatoes, the eggs, the sugar, the butter, the grated peel of a lemon and the brewer’s yeast dissolved in the milk. 

Mix all together until you obtain soft and homogeneous dough. 

Let the dough stand for about one hour. Preheat the oven at 180 degree. Afterwards roll out the dough in a thin pastry, 

cut the pastry in square of 5 cm side, place in the middle of each square pastry a teaspoon of jam and close the pastry in order to obtain a dumpling with the shape of a half-moon. 

Place a sheet of baking paper on the surface of a baking pan and put on it chifelini. 

Bake for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with icing sugar.


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