Recipes Lists

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Courgettes with Stuffing of Tuna Fish

This recipe can be a main course but also a side dish. This dish joins the spicy taste of tuna fish with the sweet of courgettes.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 people)
2 Large courgettes
1 Clove of garlic
1/4 of Onion
2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 Egg
1 Tin of tuna fish
Some breadcrumbs
Some parsely


COOKING TIME: 30 minutes

WINE: Colli di Luni Vermentino (White Wine)

Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Wash, dry and cut the stem end of the courgettes, then cut each one horizontally in half. Now with a teaspoon scoop out the center of each half leaving at least 1/2 inch shell all around.

Heat extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and let it brown. Then mince the pulp of the courgettes finely and add it to the browned onion together with chopped garlic, parsley and the tuna fish. Let the mixture cook for almost 10 minutes.

Remove the mixture and wait until it gets cold. Then add the egg and mix all together. If the stuffing has a runny consistency, add some breadcrumbs. Season the mixture with salt and pepper. Baste a pan, place in it the courgettes, put on the bottom of them some butter and stuff them with the mixture.
Sprinkle with some breadcrumbs and bake for 15-20 minutes until the top of the courgettes get lightly browned. 

Serve hot.This is the result: