Recipes Lists

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cake of Carnival - Migliaccio

The name of this Italian dessert is "Migliaccio". Migliaccio is a traditional cake of Naples that is usually prepared in occasion of Carnival. Its preparation is very easy and it doesn't need a lot of time. The preparation of this Italian cake remind me a little bit the preparation of Pastiera, another Italian dessert traditional of Naples, but in this case it is more easy and you need less ingredients. The main ingredients for Migliaccio are semolina and ricotta cheese, you can use ricotta cheese from cow or from sheep according to your taste. Thanks to the presence of simple Italian ingredients, children that love Carnival appreciate this Italian cake too.

250g of semolina
1L of milk
Peel of orange
30g of butter
350 g of Ricotta Cheese
6 eggs
200g of Sugar
10g of Vanilia
Icing sugar

PREPARATION TIME: 15 minutes plus the time necessary to let the mixture cool down


WINE: Malvasia

Pour in a soup pot the milk; start to stir with a wooden spoon while adding the semolina. If you want you can use a whisk in order to avoid lumps. Add the peel of an orange and let the milk warm up.

Continue to stir, when the mixture start to become firm remove the peel of orange and continue to cook the semolina until it will have a thick and homogeneous consistency. 

Add a piece of butter, mix and let the semolina get cold.

In a large bowl mix the ricotta cheese with the eggs. 

Stir until the ingredients are well combined, then add the sugar and mix. 

When the semolina get cold add it to the bowl and mix.

Butter the bottom of a baking pan and pour the mixture. Bake the cake in pre-warmed oven and cook at 180 degree for 1 hour more or less. 

Check the cooking time by time, the cake will be ready when the surface becomes golden.

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