Recipes Lists

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sicilian Lasagna

Sicilian Lasagna
This summer my parents spent their holidays in Sicily, in particular in Trapani and during these days they tasted the delicious Italian recipe of “Sicilian Lasagna” (Lasagna alla Siciliana). This traditional Italian recipe is prepared with traditional vegetables of Sicily, the eggplants, and with a tomato sauce of minced veal meat and peas and the addition of ham and sweet Sicilian pecorino cheese. You can prepare it with lasagna bought or you can decide to make home-made lasagna, here I show the easy recipe to prepare the home-made lasagna with the help of a pasta machine but in the case you don’t have it you can also use a simply rolling pin, the result will be the same.

INGREDIENTS (for 8 people):
1 / 2 Onion
200 g of Minced meat of veal
200 g of Peas
1,5 L of Tomato sauce
4 Round Eggplants
200 g of Sweet Pecorino cheese
200 g of ham
150 g of Parmesan
4 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil for fry the eggplants

400 g of Flour
4 Eggs


COOKING TIME: 30 minutes

WINE: Santa Margherita di Belice bianco Doc (White Wine)

Start with the preparation of the lasagna pasta: put in a bowl the flour, a pinch of salt and the eggs.

Sicilian Lasagna

Mix all the ingredients and knead the dough until it becomes homogeneous. Let the dough stand for about 20 – 30 minutes so it becomes more soft. After this time start to roll out the dough, you can do this with the help of a rolling pin or more easily with the help of a pasta machine. Here I use the pasta machine.Start roll out the dough from the biggest thickness of the machine then little by little reduce it until you obtain a pastry of about 2 – 3 mm of thickness.

Sicilian Lasagna

Sicilian Lasagna

Cut the pastry in rectangular pieces with about dimension of 15 cm x 10 cm.

Sicilian Lasagna

Now start with the preparation of the sauce for lasagna: preheat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan, cut the onion in slices and let them cook for 3 – 5 minutes in the hot oil to make it tasteful.

Sicilian Lasagna

When the onion becomes golden remove it from the oil and add the minced meat of veal. Let it cook for 5 - 8 minutes until it becomes slightly golden,

Sicilian Lasagna

then add fresh peas and continue the cooking for other 5 – 8 minutes.

Sicilian Lasagna

Now add the tomato sauce and let the all sauce cook for about 30 – 40 minutes.

Sicilian Lasagna

Sicilian Lasagna

In the meantime prepare the other ingredients: eggplants, ham and cheese.
Cut the eggplants in slices

Sicilian Lasagna

and fry them in hot extra virgin olive oil until they become slightly golden.

Sicilian Lasagna

When they are cooked put them in a dish covered with kitchen paper in order to remove the excess of oil.
Cut the ham in slices and the cheese in small cubes.
Now you can prepare the lasagna: cover the bottom of a rectangular baking pan with the sauce of meat and peas, put over it lasagna,

Sicilian Lasagna

pour on it the sauce, make a layer with the fried eggplants, another with the slices of ham and the cubes of cheese

Sicilian Lasagna

and sprinkle with some parmesan, re-put another layer of lasagna pasta and continue in this way until the pan in full.

Sicilian Lasagna

Bake at 180°C and cook for about 30 minutes until the surface becomes golden.
Serve hot.
This is the result:

Sicilian Lasagna


1 comment:

Ajeng Lembayung said...

hai, nice recipe..
i love italian food. ^^
i just found your blog from my friend, and i loved it.
i haven't explore you blog actually, but i'm looking for some vegetarian italian food. And do you have lasagna for vegetarian recipe?
thanks :)