Recipes Lists

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream
This is an Italian recipes prepare with another typical vegetables of the summer period: the broad beans. Broad beans are an Italian ingredient ideal to prepare many different type of Italian recipes, they can be served simply raw with a drizzle of oil, some black pepper, and the Italian cheese called Caciocavallo that has a spicy taste ideal with the sweet taste of broad beans, or they can be used for delicious side dish or first course. Here I prepare a delicious side dish simply with broad beans, eggs and cream. The preparation time of this recipe is a bit long because, if you use fresh broad beans, you have to clean them one by one, but the cooking time is very short. To reduce the time you can use broad beans already clean, the most important thing in order to obtain an excellent result is to use fresh broad beans.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 – 6 people):
500 g of Broad beans
60 g of Butter
2 Eggs
125 ml of Cream

COOKING TIME: 15 minutes

WINE: Castel del Monte bianco Doc (White Wine)

Prepare the broad beans in this way: remove them from the pod and then remove also the thin skin that covers each broad bean.

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

Preheat a pan with 30 g of butter, add in it the broad beans and let them cook for about 10 – 15 minutes.

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

The broad beans are tender legumes that for this reason they don’t need to be cooked for long time, indeed you can eat them also raw. In the meantime mix in a dish the eggs with the cream,

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

in another pan melt the rest off the butter,

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

add the mixture of eggs and cream, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let it cook for some minutes.

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream

When the broad beans are ready place them in a platter, pour on them the mixture of eggs and cream and mix all together. You can serve this Italian recipe hot or slightly cold.
This is the result:

Broad Beans with Eggs and Cream



Anonymous said...

I absolutely love italian food...
I am not Italian but if I have a chance to travel - Italy will be on my favourite places to visit.

Elena said...

You should try cooking some of my recipes to start feeling yourself in Italy! Then tell me if you liked them!