Recipes Lists

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Artichokes and Parmesan

Artichokes and Parmesan
Here another delicious Italian recipes with artichokes, vegetables typical of this period and traditional of Liguria. I like much artichokes and some I try to prepare them in many different way: in this second course recipes artichokes are simply prepared with the addition of some breadcrumbs and Parmesan in flakes in order to give them a crunch consistency. Artichokes cooked in this way can be served as a delicious side dish but also as a complete second course.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 people):
4 Artichokes
40 g of Parsley chopped
40 g of Parmesan in flakes
20 g of Breadcrumbs
1 Clove of garlic
1 Lemon
4 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Black Pepper


COOKING TIME: 20 – 30 minutes

WINE: Garda Chardonnay (White Wine)

Start cleaning the artichokes, remove the spines and the hard external leafs, remove from the stalks the hard part and cut the stalks and the artichokes in slices and place them in a bowl with water and lemon in order to not blacken them. When all the artichokes are ready, preheat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan, add the garlic and let it brown then remove it and add the artichokes.

Artichokes and Parmesan

Sprinkle with salt and black pepper, let them cook for about 5 minutes and add the chopped parsley.

Artichokes and Parmesan

Continue to cook for about 15 – 20 minutes and some minutes before the end of the cooking sprinkle over them some breadcrumbs and the Parmesan in flakes,

Artichokes and Parmesan

let them melt and serve hot.
This is the result:

Artichokes and Parmesan


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