Recipes Lists

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Fried Baccalà

This is the typical side dish that my family prepares for the Christmas Eve. Baccala is cod preserved with salt. The recipe, presented below, describes a simple and fast way to cook a good dish. It is made of fillet of baccala cutted into big cubes and then fried. Baccala is served with boiled brocolli. Christmas Eve wouldn’t be Christmas Eve without baccala.

INGREDIENTS (for 10 people)
800 g of Fillet of baccalà (dried salt-cured cod)
200 g of Flour
Extra virgin olive to fry
400 g of Brocolli


COOKING TIME: 15 minutes

WINE: Greco di Tufo (White Wine)

1 or 2 day before the Christmas Eve place the baccala to soak in water in order to eliminate the salt in excess. Now and then change the water. Remove the peel of the fillets of baccala, and then cut them into big cubes.

Flour the cubes of baccala.
Preheat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan, place in it the cubes of baccala and fry them for about 10 – 15 minutes.

You can serve fried baccala with brocolli. Clean the brocolli and remove the leafs, then cut them into pieces and place them in a pan with some water and let them boil.
When water boils let the brocolli cook for about 10 minutes. Place the baccalla in the middle of a platter and put around them the brocolli. Serve hot. This is the result:

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