Recipes Lists

Friday, April 07, 2006

Appetizing Cialda

INGREDIENTS (for 4 people)
300 g of Flour
80 ml of water
200 g of Raw ham (Prosciutto Crudo) in thin slices (or Speck or Pork brawn (Coppa)) as you prefer
50 g of Rocket
Some salt


COOKING TIME: 5-8 minutes

WINE: Pagadebit di Romagna (White Wine)

In a bowl put the flour and the water.
Mix all until you obtain a solid dough.
If neccesary add some flour or water. Divide the dough in 4 parts and use a rolling-pin to roll out each part until you obtain a pastry very very thin (only 2-3 mm thick). Now sprinkle a pan with some salt, put in it the pastry and cook for 5-8 minutes until pastry is slightly golden.
In the meantime wash, dry and cut some rocket. Then put piada on a platter, put on its surface, still hot, some slices of raw ham and some rocket. Serve hot. This is the result:

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