Recipes Lists

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Roulade of Pork with Ham and Emmental

This recipe is for a main course made of pork, ham and Emmental. Cooked in this way pork, that sometime can become dry, is very spicy and tender.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 people)
4 Slices of pork
4 Slices of ham
8 Small slices of Emmental
50 g of Butter
A bunch of rosemary

10 minutes

COOKING TIME: 30 minutes


WINE: Dolcetto d'Alba (Red Wine)


Cut pork in 4 slices, season them with salt and pepper only on one side. Then

put a layer with 1 slice of ham and another with 2 slices of Emmantal on this side of the slice. Roll up and close with the help of a toothpick as a roulade.

Baste a pan, place in it the roulades and brown them on a low heat. Pour red wine and let it evaporate on a high heat (for about 5 minutes). Preheat the oven to 200 °C and when the roulades are browned add 1/2 cup of water and bake them for almost 20 minutes.

Place 2 roulades onto a platter, add a bunch of rosemary and serve. This is the result: