Recipes Lists

Monday, November 07, 2011


This is the Italian recipe for the preparation of the dough you need to prepare delicious Italian pizza. In this Italian recipe I describe the procedure to follow to prepare the base dough of pizza, called crust, that then you can flavour, as you prefer. This is the Italian recipe for pizza that I usually use when I don’t have a lot of time or that I use when I decide to prepare pizza for dinner only in the afternoon. In the next post I will describe also another way to prepare another delicious recipe for pizza that you can follow only if you start the preparation of pizza the day before or the morning. Pizza is a traditional Italian food that typically comes from Naples. The traditional Neapolitan pizza is round and thin but it can be also thicker usually flavour with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and oregano.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 pizza):
300g or 2 and 1/2 cups of flour
1 Teaspoon of Salt
1 Teaspoon of Sugar
2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
15 g of Brewer's yeast
250 ml or 1 cup of warm water

15 - 20 minutes is the time you need to obtain well homogeneous dough.
4 - 5 hours if rising
10 minutes of preparation, the time you need to put on pizza the dressing you like more

COOKING TIME: 20 - 25 minutes


Dissolve the brewer's yeast in warm water.



Mix first the flour with salt, sugar and the extra virgin olive oil.


Then add the water time by time and start to work the dough.


The amount of water necessary is not always the same for the same amount of flour. It can change according to different factors like the humidity of the air and the type of flour you are using. For this reason if you are not sure about the amount of water you need what you can do instead to dissolve the brewer's yeast in warm water you can crumble the brewer's yeast together with the flour, salt, sugar and extra virgin olive oil and then add warm water little by little until the dough, that in the meantime you are working, becomes homogeneous, soft and a little bit wet (not too much).



When the dough is ready, put it in a bowl, make a cross on its surface and cover with a wet towel.




Let it rise for more or less 3 hours. The dough is ready when it raises almost the double then the beginning.


At this time what I usually do is to divide the dough in the number of pizza I want to prepare, in this case 2 pizza, and wait at least one hour more to let it rise again.


In this way you have ready the amount of dough you need for a pizza and because you let it rise again it will be easier to roll out the dough. Before to roll out the dough oil a baking pan with a bit of extra virgin olive oil. If the dough is soft enough you will not need the rolling pin to roll out the dough but you will just rolling it out by hand. The rolled out dough should have a thickness of half centimeter. In this way the crust is ready now you only need to flavour it, as you prefer. In the next I will show you some of the type of pizza I like the most.
