Recipes Lists

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses
This is a simple and fast Italian first course to prepare: you should have in your fridge only some delicious Italian cheese and some milk. To make the cheese sauce you can use any kind of Italian cheese except mozzarella because it is a thready cheese and for this reason it is not ideal to make a sauce, in order to obtain the best result you should melt the pieces of the 4 cheeses that you have choose in some milk and simply sprinkle with some black pepper! The Italian cheeses that I choose for this recipe are: Gorgonzola, a typical Italian blue cheese from Piedmont and Lombardy, Toma, an Italian semi-hard cheese typical of Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, Casera, a typical cheese of Valtellina and Parmesan.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 people):
320 g of Pasta type “Tortiglioni”
1 Glass of milk
30 g of Gorgonzola cut in pieces
30 g of Toma cut in pieces
30 g Casera cut in pieces
30 g of grated Parmesan
Black pepper


COOKING TIME: 15 minutes

WINE: Dolcetto d'Ovada Doc (Red Wine)

Let salted water boil for pasta. In the meantime prepare the sauce of cheese: place in a pan the milk and the cheeses, let them melt

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses

and then sprinkle with some black pepper.

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses

When the water boils add the pasta and let it cook as indicated on the packaging, then drain them and pour on it the cheeses sauce.

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses

Serve hot and if you want sprinkled on some other Parmesan.
This is the result:

Tortiglioni Pasta with 4 Cheeses



rm said...

"Dolcetto d'Ovada Doc" è piuttosto difficile trovare dei siti in cui venga consigoliato questo tipo di vino .......... sei x caso di quelle parti? Io si e quindi non può che farmi piacere vedere il nome di questo vino che viene consigliato in un sito di ricette Italiane. Complimenti per il blog ciao

Anonymous said...

All dishes look very delicious! I am interested in the food culture of your country. And I support your site. If there is time, please come in my site. From Japan

Elena said...

Ciao grazie per i complimenti!sono della provincia di Milano, ma mi è capitato più volte di fare qualche giretto in quel di Ovada dove ovviamente non ho perso l'occasione di assaggiare il buon Dolcetto D'ovada Doc adatto a tutto pasto e in particolarte lo preferisco con i formaggi!Se hai qualche buon abbinamento da suggerirmi per questo vino lasciami un commento ciao!

Elena said...

Hi!I visit your site from Japan and I know little about the Japanese food, do you cook some of the recipes of my site?let me if you like them!by