Recipes Lists

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce
Eggplants, tomato puree, mozzarella, basil, minced meat and Parmesan: these are the main Italian ingredients that I use to prepare this delicious Italian pasta-based first course. Its preparation is easy: first you should prepare the ingredients separately in this way, you should cut the mozzarella, cook the tomato puree with minced meat and basil, cook the pasta type penne and fry the eggplants then you should simply mix all the ingredients together. This Italian recipe seems to suggest another traditional Italian recipe typical of Sicily that is the famous “Pasta alla Norma” but these two recipes are different. In the next recipes I show you the typical preparation also of this.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 people):
350 g of Pasta type penne
800 ml of Tomato puree
2 Eggplants
Oil to fry the eggplants
50 g of Minced meat of veal
1 / 2 of Onion
4 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
3 – 4 leafs of basil
150 g of Mozzarella



WINE: Sambuca di Sicilia bianco Doc (White Wine)

Let the salted water boil for pasta. Preheat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan, cut the onion in slices add them to the oil and let it brown on a low flame in order to not burn them.

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

Then remove it, add the minced meat and let it brown,

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

add the tomato puree and the basil, mix all together and let it cook for about 30 minutes.

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

In the meantime prepare the eggplants, clean them, cut them as matches and fry them in a pan with hot oil.

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

When eggplants are cooked, place them over a sheet of kitchen paper in order to remove the oil in excess

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

and prepare the mozzarella cutting it in cubes.

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

When water boils, place in it the pasta and cook it for the time indicating on the packaging, then drain them. Re-place in the same pan a part of pasta, pour on it some sauce, a part of eggplant and a part of mozzarella, sprinkle with some Parmesan and mix all together;

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce

continue in this way until pasta finish and at the end mix all together.
Serve hot. This is the result:

Penne with Eggplants, Mozzarella and Tomato Sauce



Anonymous said...

Elena, I just found your recipe. I will be trying it for our center's luncheon tomorrow. I will make sure and post the comments made by my co-workers.


Anonymous said...

My wife is cooking it right now :)
Will let you know the outcome shortly!!

Anonymous said...

Went all good.
nice meal
Thanks a lot
Will do again :)

Elena said...

I'm very happy that you found my recipe good!If you want to try some other recipes from my website tell how they are!

Anonymous said...

Elena thanks 4 the receipe the food was so delicious .Ur receipe helped my husband to be good chef of my home .

princess said...

its really delicious dish

Anonymous said...

this is a horrible dish and i do not recomend this to anyone!

Elena said...

Why did you think this is a horrible dish? Would you change something? Elena

emilio said...

fantastic dish, Elena i love you blog. keep writing you ROCK!!!
i found another recipe with pasta and tomato and buffalo mozzarella
buffalo mozzarella recipe blog

I love food said...

Your recipe looks delicious! I cant wait to try it!!